Concept® DHAPrenatal Multivitamin & Mineral Supplement Capsules with Omega-3 Fatty Acids - DHA & EPA |
NDC 52747-0621-30 | | 30 | | Capsules | | Rx only | |
Concept® DHA Website »  Concept® OBPrenatal Multivitamin & Mineral Supplement Capsules |
NDC 52747-0620-30 | | 30 | | Capsules | | Rx only | |
Concept® OB Website »  Fusion Plus™Iron / Folic Acid / Vitamin / Probiotic Supplement Capsules |
NDC 52747-0502-30 | | 30 | | Capsules | | Rx only | |
Fusion Plus™ Website »  Hemocyte® FIron / Folic Acid Supplement |
NDC 52747-0306-70 | | 100 | | Tablets | | Rx only | | NDC 52747-0306-30 | | 30 | | Tablets | | Rx only | |
Hemocyte® F Website »  Hemocyte® PlusIron / Folic Acid / Vitamin Supplement Capsules |
NDC 52747-0800-60 | | 90 | | Capsules | | Rx only | | NDC 52747-0800-30 | | 30 | | Capsules | | Rx only | |
Hemocyte® Plus Website »  Hylafem pHA patented treatment for the symptoms
of vaginal and urogenital infections |
NDC 52747-0255-03 | | 3 | | Vaginal Suppositories | | OTC | |
Hylafem pH Website »  Integra F™Iron / Folic Acid / Vitamin Supplement Capsules |
NDC 52747-0711-30 | | 30 | | Capsules | | Rx only | | NDC 52747-0711-60 | | 90 | | Capsules | | Rx only | |
Integra F™ Website »  Integra Plus™Iron / Folic Acid / Vitamin Supplement Capsules |
NDC 52747-0712-30 | | 30 | | Capsules | | Rx only | | NDC 52747-0712-60 | | 90 | | Capsules | | Rx only | |
Integra Plus™ Website »  Provida OB™Prenatal Multivitamin & Mineral Supplement enhanced with Lactobacillus casei KE-99 |
NDC 52747-0504-30 | | 30 | | Capsules | | Rx only | |
Provida OB™ Website »  Restora RX™Nutritional Supplement enhanced with Folic Acid and Lactobacillus casei KE-99 |
NDC 52747-0207-30 | | 30 | | Capsules | | Rx only | |
Restora RX™ Website »  Tandem® PlusIron / Folic Acid / Vitamin Supplement Capsules |
NDC 52747-0902-60 | | 90 | | Capsules | | Rx only | |
Tandem® Plus Website »