Just download, open and print the voucher and present it with your prescription to the pharmacist.
You need a PDF reader in order to view and print the voucher. For more information, visit adobe.com
Patient Information: In the event that Integra F™ is not available at your local pharmacy: Every pharmacy can order your Integra F™ within 24 - 48 hours. Simply present this card to a participating pharmacy to receive a discount on your prescription. Patients who have Medicare, including Part D, Medicaid or any state or federal prescription insurance can only use this card if they choose not to use their government-sponsored drug plan for their purchase. The card is not valid in combination with those programs. For questions concerning the card, call 1-888-602-2978 or visit www.drugdiscountcardinfo.com
Please read product literature for full prescribing information.
Pharmacist: Card must be presented to receive program benefits. Clear system of prior card holder information associated with this universal cardholder ID. For processing questions, call Argus Health Systems at 1-866-921-7286 Download Voucher * Final discounts may vary. No cash value. Void where prohibited.